Constipation Remedies You Were Never Told About

Method 64: Hot and Cold Water Jet

You can get relief from constipation using a hot and cold “jet water shower.” Here’s how to do it.

Turn the water on in your morning shower. Turn your showerhead so it has a small circular spray pattern. Change the water temperature to as hot as you can stand it. Point the spray to your abdominal area and twist your body, right to left then left to right, until you cover the entire area.

Now reduce the hot water and turn on the cold water just to the point you can stand. Twist your body again so the water covers your abdomen area.

Repeat this hot-cold sequence around seven times. At first, you might start with only a few times until you get used to the hot then abrupt cold shower water.

Applying hot-cold water in this fashion stimulates the blood in your intestinal area. Additional blood in this area helps to remove toxins from your colon and to bring nutrients to reestablish your colon function.

In his book, Water for Health and Healing, Federick M. Rossiter, M.D. points out,

“There is no therapeutic measure in all medical science which is capable of producing more powerful general stimulation of all the functions for the body, beneficially, than a scientific application of water to the skin: cold water, alternating hot-cold-hot, and particularly the “jet health  spray’”

Method 65: Body Massage

Massage of the abdominal area is a great way to tone the muscles in your colon area, provided this is done regularly. If you are trying to relieve constipation, then you can massage for a week or two until you get past your constipation. Regular massaging can be of great benefit to your health.

You can do the massage with oil as you lie in your bed or as I do in the shower where I use a soap solution to slide over my abdomen with relative ease.

Start on the right side down near your appendix. Start with small circular or short up-down movements and move upward toward your rib cage. This is the direction your fecal matter travels in your colon. If you have long fingernails, you may have a problem doing this massage.

When you start your circular massage near your appendix, you are also strengthening your ileocecal valve. In the shower, every day, I massage this spot to strengthen and tone my ileocaecal valve. This valve is the gateway between your small intestine and your colon. You want a strong valve at this point, so once fecal matter moves into your colon and not backward into the small intestine.

Health Tip: Massage your ileocaecal value every day in the shower or with oil just before getting out of bed for 1-minute or so.

Now, once you’ve reached the rib cage, move to the left to the outer point of the left rib cage. Now move downward a good length toward your groin.

As you massage, notice if you find areas that have slight pain or a lot of pain. With areas that have slight pain, you can probably reduce the pain with daily massages.

Health Alert: With areas of deep pain do not continue the massage. Consider consulting with a doctor, if the pain persists.

These massages will help to loosen and move fecal matter that is stagnant in your colon. Combine this massage with other constipation clearing methods listed here and that should help to clear your constipation.

Method 66: Massage on the Toilet

When you are on the toilet there are 4 things you can do to help prevent you from straining to have a bowel movement.

  • Add a small stool so when you sit on the toilet your feet are raised slightly.
  • Sit up straight and raise your arms straight up in the air
  • Sit up straight and rock sideways, from left to right, to stretch your descending colon and sigmoid. You will find that as you rock to the left or right your fecal matter will start to move.
  • Sit up straight, raise your chest, and start moving your belly inward and outward. This moves your colon back and forth and helps to move your fecal matter.

These positions and movements will reduce the amount of straining you do while having a bowel movement. These methods are helpful until you get control of your constipation.

Anus – rectum massage

When you are sitting or standing, tighten and relax your anus area in cycles. This contracting exercises the muscles in the rectum area and stimulates the glands in this area to secret natural lubrication. This helps to move hard stools out of your rectum and also flushes stale blood your anus to help prevent hemorrhoids

Method 67: Herb Massage Oil

Make a massage oil of black pepper, marjoram, and rosemary. Add one drop of each oil in a lite carrier oil like olive, almond, or sesame. Rub this mixture into the abdominal area just before bedtime and just after your morning shower.

Castor Oil

Apply 3 – 4 drops of lukewarm castor oil over the navel at night. This stimulates you to have a bowel movement in the morning.

Method 68: Digestive Enzymes

Health Alert: Be carefully when using HCL supplements. If your stomach is normal, additional acid can cause stomach ulcers or irritate your stomach lining.

Digestion and assimilation of food starts in the mouth. As your food travels into your stomach, Hydrochloric Acid, HCL, works on the protein and in your small intestine digestive enzymes complete the breakdown of your food.

Your stomach produces HCL, whenever you eat protein, fat, or are stressed. When you overeat or eat too frequently, your stomach cannot produce enough HCL to digest the protein or fat you have eaten. This results in incomplete protein digestion, bloating, or gas.

Secreting good levels of HCL stimulates the pancreas to release adequate levels of digestive enzymes, which continue the digestion of protein, fats, and carbohydrates in the small intestine.

Eating a healthy diet, less food or protein at a sitting, and reducing stress can help return your HCL levels to normal.

Anyone with digestive problems should take digestive enzyme supplements. The older you get the more important it is to take this supplement. As you age, secretions from various organs start to diminish and your body is deprived of these needed secretions.

Take digestive enzymes 30-45 minutes before meals to improve your digestion. Taking digestive enzymes between meals can help with food allergies.

In, Staying Healthy with Nutrition, 1992, Elson M. Hass, M.D. says,

“I have come to believe the digestive tract and its function may be the single most important body component determining health and disease. Maintaining normal digestion, assimilation, and elimination is a necessity, and when these functions are faulty, we may not be aware these dysfunctions are contributing to so many other problems… Thus, when they are needed supplemental support of digestive enzymes may be even more important than HCL.”

HCL supplements can be obtained as betaine hydrochloride. It can be found as a single supplement or in combination with other digestive enzymes.

Health Alert: If you have ulcers of any kind, do not use digestive enzymes.

There are various digestion enzymes you can use. Visit a health food store to find one that you like.


Drug Health Alert: Bromelain thin blood, so it is best not to take it when using the blood thinning drugs Coumadin and warfarin. If you get any allergic reactions to Bromelain, stop using it right away.

Bromelain also has the ability to increase the effectiveness of any antibiotics you take.

Bromelain is found in pineapples and is useful in digesting protein. It has other benefits such as reducing inflammation and platelet aggregation and clot formation.

Bromelain is useful when there is a decrease in the enzymes produced by the pancreas.

Health Tip: There are some people that are allergic to pineapples so they should not take Bromelain. As a digestive aid use Bromelain with meals. As an anti-inflammation nutrient use it between meals.

The recommended dose is 1400 – 1800 MCU each day.

If you are pregnant, it is considered safe to use Bromelain.


Papain, a mild digestive enzyme, is found in papayas and helps in protein digestion.

Amylase, Proteases, and Lipases

Amylases, proteases, and lipases are the major group of digestive enzymes, which are secreted by the pancreas. Amylase digests carbohydrates, protease digest protein, and lipase digest fats. These enzymes are available in capsules and should be taken just before you eat.

It is best to use enteric enzymes, which are capable of reaching the small intestine where they are needed. These enzymes are coated so they can pass through your stomach HCL without getting destroyed.

Method 69: Good Bacteria

Health Drug Alert: If you are taking antibiotics, you need to take a “good bacteria” supplement. Antibiotics will kill many of the bad and good bacteria in your colon allowing the bad bacteria to become more dominant. When this happens, you are more susceptible to creating an in-balance in your colon and creating diarrhea.

Acidophilus is a good bacteria. It must be the dominant bacteria in your colon; otherwise, you will be susceptible to many colon problems including constipation.

How can you bring good bacteria like acidophilus into your colon? The stomach acids and the high alkaline environment of the small intestine prevent any reasonable amount of acidophilus to reach your colon. And, any acidophilus that does reach your colon will most likely be attacked and destroyed by the bad bacteria. If your colon is toxic and alkaline, this furthers the chances the acidophilus will be destroyed in your colon.

It is best to first feed your good bacteria with milk whey as described elsewhere so the existing good bacteria can multiply. Once this is done and you reestablish a high-level of good bacteria in your colon, then take acidophilus and other good bacteria by,

  • Taking 2-3 regular capsules of good bacteria between meals with distilled water so to not activate the high levels of destructive stomach acid.
  • Taking 2-3 enteric capsules of good bacteria so the good bacteria bypasses the stomach acids and opens in the small intestine.

Feeding the good bacteria with milk whey

One of the best ways to increase the good bacteria in your colon is to feed the existing good bacteria so they become healthy. Taking 3 – 4 tablespoons in 8 oz of water of edible-grade dairy whey does this. This should be done daily for 3 – 8 weeks.

At Advance Health Solutions you can get more information on edible whey. You can order this product at this Website.

Add whey to your morning cereal, smoothies, or distilled water.

Fructooligosaccharides (FOS)

If you cannot digest milk, then you can feed the good bacteria with FOS, a short-chain polysaccharide, which is a carbohydrate found in some grains, fruits, and herbs. This carbohydrate is a natural complex of sugar. Since FOS is only partially digested in the intestines, it reaches your colon where it is the food used by good bacteria.

Providing food to good bacteria helps to strengthen, stabilize, and multiply them in your colon. FOS also helps to clean your colon and build the cells in your colon wall.

Other carbohydrates that reach your colon undigested are called GOS, Galactooligosaccharides, and inulin.

Health Tip: Providing FOS, GOS, and inulin supplements to your diet will increase absorption of calcium and magnesium and help to remove toxic material from your colon.

Some foods that contain FOS are Jerusalem artichokes, onions, leeks, burdock, chicory, garlic, and asparagus.

Because FOS is not available in the many foods you eat, it may be necessary for you to take it as a supplement while you are working on rebuilding your colon function.

The FOS recommended dose for promoting good bacteria in your colon is 3000 mg each day taken during meals.

Method 70: Barley

Eating muffins or other bread made from barley flakes or flour has shown to clear up constipation. Eat around 3 muffins each day. Make sure you drink plenty of water during the day. Barley has been found to reducing heart, cancer, and digestive problems

Method 71: Beans

All kinds of bean and peas can help you erase your constipation and prevent it. Beans have are high in fiber and will make your stool softer and increase its stool size. Beans also stimulate the good bacteria in your colon by providing short-chain fatty acids, which they use for food.

Here’s how to use beans for constipation.

Cooking – Clean beans with distilled water to remove dirt and small rocks. Soak beans for 2-4 hours. Dump water and place beans into a crock-pot. Set the pot to low and add some garlic cloves.

At the low setting, the beans will cook under 112 deg F. At this temperature the enzymes in the beans will not be destroyed. These cooked beans will be considered live food. Cook the beans for around 8 hours or until soft and eatable. Eat one-half cup to one cup of beans daily to break up constipation. The fiber available in one of a cup of different types of beans are:

  • Black eye beans 7.4 grams
  • peas, canned 5.4 grams
  • Kidney beans 5.0 grams
  • Pinto beans 4.6 grams
  • Navy beans 4.6 grams
  • Lentils 1.7 grams

A Lentils Soup Remedy

Here a soup recipe that will relieve your constipation. Cook lentils and make a soup adding the following:

  • Add cooked brown rice
  • Add carrots, celery, onions, and garlic
  • Add a tablespoon of lecithin when adding the carrots
  • After the soup is made and starts to cool, add a tablespoon of flaxseed oil

Method 72: Prune Juice, Applesauce, and Oat Bran

Mix, in a bowl, equal amounts of,

  • Prune juice
  • Applesauce
  • Oat bran or any other bran
  • Six ground up almond
  • A squeeze of lemon

Make the consistency to your liking. Take 3 tablespoons or more each day. The best time is morning, noon and night.

Method 73: Agar-Agar

Agar is a type of seaweed that can be used to help relieve constipation in 2-8 day if you use it every day. Boil it in water to dissolve it, then pour it into a bowel to form a jelly. Flavor it with a juice, a fruit puree, and honey or any other type of flavoring that appeals to you.  Then let it cool at room temperature until it sets.

Method 74: Sea Salt Drink

Saltwater has a fast action in clearing out your colon. If you need to clear your constipation fast this is the method to use. Do not use this method often since it purges everything out of your colon good or bad. After using this method follow it with a week or two of good bacteria supplements.

Salt has a softening effect on hard fecal matter in your colon and helps to lubricate your colon walls. Limit your salt intake if you have high blood pressure or edema. Salt in excess has a damaging effect on the blood. However, seaweeds, herbs, vegetables that contain sodium and other mineral salts are not harmful to the body.

It is best to use sea salt for this cleansing. Sea salt has many minerals that are beneficial to your health. Only use regular salt if cannot get sea salt.

Add two teaspoons of sea salt to a glass of warm distilled water. Drink on an empty stomach. Drink first thing in the morning. You should have a bowel movement within one hour.

Health Alert: Do not use this method if you have edema or hypertension


Bentonite is a natural clay mineral that comes from volcanic ash that has eventually become clay. This clay has special properties that enable it to clean out your colon of toxic matter. It is high in sodium and this gives it electrical properties that help bind toxic matter to its atomic structure.

Bentonite is useful in assisting fruits and vegetables to clean out your colon and makes it an area more livable for good bacteria. It also is good for reducing constipation.

Choose only high purity bentonite, which contains high levels of sodium and low levels of calcium. Great Plains Bentonite makes one such product.


For some people, using reflexology can relieve constipation. This can be done by your own massage at the bottom of your feet and the web part of your hand between the thumb and the index finger.

The part to massage is the center portion of the bottom of your foot or the arch. To increase the pressure in this area you can roll your foot over a golf ball. Or, you can simply massage your entire arch, especially near the heel,(#19,#20) with your thumb for 10 to 15 minutes. Of course, you can ask your partner to massage this area for you.

As Laura Lee Ostrowski, Reflexologist says,

“Constipation can, in fact, be relieved for many people, with reflexology. I’ve had numerous clients see me with this complaint and had relief after receiving Reflexology. I’ve had some clients come for other complaints and found relief from their constipation as a bonus. I’ve even worked on a relative of mine in the Midwest who was suffering from severe constipation. She traveled to see specialists and found only minor relief. During the one session I gave her while visiting, her stomach began to move and ‘growl’. The next day, she found relief”

Sitz Bath

A Sitz bath can be used to relieve constipation. This can be done in a regular bathtub:

  • Fill the tub with cold water, 68C, deep enough to cover your
  • body stomach area.
  • Add a mixture of oils,
  • 25 ml jojoba oil,16 drops Rosemary oil
  • 12 drops Lemon oil, 7 drops Peppermint oil
  • raise legs up and out of the water
  • stay in the bath for 25 – 30 minutes

This type of sitz bath increases the blood circulation around the colon, which increases the movement of nutrients to the colon walls and to remove toxic matter from the colon area.